
The material in this certification is great for an introduction to IT.

The A+ is a great certification for an entry-level role such as IT Support or Help Desk.

There are two exams that you need to pass to be A+ certified or simply study the material.

Check out the exam objectives and make sure you’re studying the right test topics.

Free Study Resources

To get started, I recommend Professor Messer for the best free training; he covers everything you need to know on how to pass the A+ 220-1101-1102 exams.

Professor Messer’s Free Core 1 Training Videos

Professor Messer’s Free Core 2 Training Videos

WGU offers me free resources such as Udemy. If you’re a student, check with your instructors to see if your school has such resources; otherwise, it’s up to you whether you want to invest in the following course.

Jason Dion’s Udemy course is very close to the real CompTIA A+ exam. He does occasionally offer discounts on his courses, so keep an eye out for that.

His practice exams were extremely beneficial to me.

Jason Dion’s New Core 1 Practice Exams

Jason Dion’s New Core 2 Practice Exams


You can take the core exams in any order you would like and studying for that exam only. Do not get them mixed up.

After watching Professor Messer’s training videos and studying your notes, start by taking one of Jason Dion’s practice exams, note the wording in the questions, review all your answers, fill in your knowledge gaps with videos/other material, then try another test.

Once you’re scoring 90% or higher, you’re more than ready for the real exam!

If you would like additional resources such as PDF notes etc, feel free to reach out on LinkedIn or Twitter :)

I wish you the best of luck!!! Now get A+ certified!